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Election Officials Needed

You can serve your community.
The Champaign County Board of Elections can offer you that opportunity. The Board hires about 120 dedicated, community minded individuals as election officials to operate polling locations for the county on Election Day.

Why am I needed?

To help, protect the democratic process. Election Official’s duties include identifying a voter’s eligibility, assisting voters when necessary and assuring that election laws of the State of Ohio are followed.

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are:
•A registered voter in Champaign County
•Enjoy working with people
•Willing to attend a training class
•Willing to declare a party, either Democrat or Republican

When am I needed?

Voting precincts must be fully staffed for all primary, general or special elections held in the county.
•Primary Elections are held on the first Tuesday, after the first Monday in May except Presidential Primaries, which are held in March on the same date.
•General Elections are held on the first Tuesday, after the first Monday in November.
•Special Elections may be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in February or August (Only if issues have been filed)