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An official government website.

Campaign Finance

The Board is responsible for maintaining and reviewing campaign finance filings for local committees, parties, and PACs. The Ohio Elections Commission enforces Ohio’s campaign finance law. Below are helpful links to resources including the Campaign Finance Handbook, filing forms, and the Ohio Elections Commission.

The Board accepts petition filings for all local elected offices and the 82nd State Representative. Additionally, the Board reviews and certifies petitions from all local political subdivisions and boards of education.

All candidates are responsible for proper completion of their petitions. The Board does not precheck petitions and cannot return them to a candidate after they are filed.

Ohio Ethics Commission

The Ohio Ethics Commission processes financial disclosure forms for elected officials and enforces Ohio’s ethics law.

Secretary of State Guides

The Ohio Secretary of State maintains helpful guides for persons seeking elected office and persons and entities looking to place an issue on the ballot. Use the links below to navigate to the Candidate Guide, the Questions & Issues Handbook, or the Guide to Local Options.

Petition Forms

The Ohio Secretary of State maintains and updates the petition forms for all Ohio candidates and ballot questions.

General Tools for Candidates and Voters