The Board of Elections has the duty to notify candidates of finance report filing deadlines, receive campaign finance reports and audit campaign finance reports. The board maintains public record files for campaign finance for six (6) years, after which time the records are properly disposed.
How to File Campaign Finance Reports
Campaign finance reports filed with the board of elections must be filed in-person or by mail and must be received by the date of the appropriate deadline. Download the Campaign Finance forms published by the Ohio Secretary of State. Campaign finance report information may be found by clicking on the Campaign Finance Handbook Link, also shown below. You will find more information available at the Ohio Secretary of State’s website.
Campaign Finance Tools
Secretary of State’s Campaign Finance Site
Online Campaign Finance Filing System
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the Filing Deadlines?
A: Campaign Finance Deadlines
Q: What is a Candidate Committee?
A: A Candidate Committee is formed when a person seeking public office receives or expends, or has agreed to let another receive or expend, monies in regards to that candidacy. Personal monies and candidacy monies are not to be co-mingled. A current Designation of Treasurer form must be filed with the board.
Q: What is a Political Party Committee?
A: A political party is an organization whose candidates received five-percent or more of the vote for governor and lieutenant governor or nominees for presidential elector at last election. A new political party may be created by petition process, but its candidates must meet the five-percent requirement at the next election for governor or president to retain political party status.
Q: What is a Political Action Committee (PAC)?
A: Two or more persons who receive or spend items or money in an attempt to influence the outcome of an election. It does not include candidates’ committees, legislative campaign funds or political parties. Clubs, associations and parent/teacher organizations can be political action committees if:
- One of the main reasons for the groups existence is related to supporting or opposing candidates or ballot issues.
- It often engages in political activity.
- Funds were specifically raised for political activity. [R.C. 3517.01(B)(8)].
Q: What is a Political Contributing Entity (PCE)?
A: A corporation or labor organization that may lawfully make contributions and expenditures. Currently, only labor organizations may make contributions and expenditures in accordance with the decision in UAW et al. Philomena, et al. (1998) Case No. 97AP-E-01-69 (10th district). Corporations may not currently be PCE’s.