High school seniors, age 17 or older and enrolled in one of the county’s high schools or vocational schools, may be eligible to work at the polls if certain criteria are met and with a signed permission form from a parent/guardian. Students who work as pollworkers or polling location facilitators must attend a training session conducted by the Board of Elections, and will receive compensation for both attending the training session and working on election day. Students who serve as precinct/election officials shall be excused by their high school for the absence on election day pursuant to ORC 3501.22(c) (4). To receive additional information about our student pollworker program, call the Highland County Board of Elections at (937) 393-9961.
What should I wear?
You may wear business casual clothing or khaki’s and a t-shirt or sweatshirt with your school name on it. You cannot wear any political buttons, badges, jeans, sweats, t-shirts other than mentioned above. You will be representing the Board of Elections, your county, and state, and should dress in good taste.
Will I get a break for lunch? Any other breaks? Should I bring food?
You can take a lunch break during slow times, or when the presiding judge assigns your break. Always let the presiding judge know when you are taking a restroom or lunch break. We also suggest that you bring lunch, snacks, and water as it is a very long day.
Can I bring things to do?
Yes, you may bring things to read or your homework. You may not bring MP3 players, iPods, laptops, Gameboys, cell phones, etc.
Why do I have to declare a political party?
Your party selection is needed only so the Board of Elections can assure that an equal number of Democrats and Republicans are represented at each polling location.
Why do you need my Social Security number?
This is required for payment purposes only.
Why do I have to be registered to vote if I’m only 17?
Ohio law requires that you be registered to vote to be a poll worker. Students who are 17 and a senior in high school are eligible to work at an election. Students who are 17, but will be 18 by the date of the general election, are eligible to vote for candidates in a primary election and then vote in the fall as well.
Why should I vote absentee (early voting)?
Your assigned polling location may not be the polling location where you vote. You will be at your assigned polling location the entire day (5:30 am to approx. 8:30 pm) on election day and will be unable to leave to go to your own precinct to vote. You can vote absentee by mail or in person at the Board of Elections office in the Hi-Tech Center. Check our website for days and hours of absentee voting in the office. To vote absentee by mail, complete the application which can be downloaded from our website and mail it to our office at 1575 N. High St., Suite 200, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133,.
When is my training?
The Board of Elections will advise you when training sessions are scheduled. You must attend one in-person training session.
What if I can’t stay for the entire training? What if I can’t stay the entire Election Day?
You will not be able to participate in this program unless you are able to complete the training and work the entire day on Election Day.
What if I forget some of my training?
You will be provided with a poll worker manual to study on your own and there is online training available. In addition, you will be placed with experienced poll workers who can assist you. You may also call the Board of Elections at (937)-393-9961 with questions.
When will I know my poll assignment? How will I know where to go?
Poll assignments will be made by the Board of Elections. They will send you forms in the mail that you will need to sign and return to them indicating your acceptance of your assignment. You may call the Board of Elections at (937) 393-9961 if you haven’t heard from them by at least two weeks prior to the election. The Board of Elections will provide you with the name of the polling location and an address. Please become familiar with the location and driving directions prior to election day so you will not be late.
How do I get to my polling location?
You are required to have your own means of transportation to and from the polls on Election Day.
Will I be excused for being absent from school to serve as a precinct official in the election?
Pursuant to ORC 3501.22(C) (4), students participating as a precinct/election official shall be excused for the absence from school on election day.
What if I have an after-school job or play sports?
By law, your school is required to give you an excused absence for working at the polls. Please inform your employer, coaches, or other relevant persons that you will be working at the polls all day and evening during this election. You will need to stay at the polls all day if you want to work as an election official
What will I earn for the day’s work?
You will earn $125.00 for working on election day. You will also receive $20.00 for attending in-person training. Both amounts will be paid on one check.
When will I be paid?
You should receive a check within a short time after the election.