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Click here to fill out the poll worker application.

Who can be a poll worker?

Any registered voter in Jefferson County who enjoys working with people. Most Poll Workers are recommended by their party’s precinct committee member. 

Why am I needed?

Without Poll Workers, elections cannot be held.

Poll Workers identify the voters as eligible, assist voters when necessary and assure that the election laws of the state are followed.

Do I need to declare my politics?

Yes. Each precinct has an equal number of Democratic and Republican workers.   Independent voters may work for either party.

Where will I work?

Many public buildings such as churches, township halls and schools are used as polling locations.

You must be willing and able to go to any precinct.   Efforts are made to place you at a convenient location whenever possible. You may be placed in your home precinct if there is a vacancy.

Will I be trained?

Yes. All workers are trained prior to an election.

What are the hours?

You will report to the polling place at 5:30 a.m. to help set up the precinct for voting.   The polls open at 6:30 a.m.   You will be given specific instructions for the duties assigned to you. The instructions are complete and easy to understand. You will be permitted 1 hour for lunch.   The polls close at 7:30 p.m.   All workers must stay to help close the precinct.

How much will I be paid?

The pay for a Precinct Election Official is $150 for the day; this includes the pay for attending the training class.   The Voting Location Manager, the person responsible for picking up the supplies used on Election Day, receives $160 plus mileage; this also includes the pay for attending the training class and payment for picking up and returning Election Day supplies.

Those interested may contact the Jefferson County Board of Elections by calling (740) 283-8522, Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Make the call today!