Become A Poll worker
Each election, thousands of Ohioans dedicate themselves to sustaining the backbone of democracy—our election process. Precinct Election Officials (PEOs) are essential to ensuring that our elections are fair, and in doing so, maintain the traditions of our past and our hope for the future. Be part of something big. Sign up to be a precinct election official and help Miami County run a safe, secure, and accurate election!
Not more than one-half of the total number of precinct election officials assigned to a precinct may be members of the same political party. This provision permits the board to hire electors unaffiliated with a political party to serve as precinct election officials.
If you are interested in being a Poll Worker, please call the Board of Elections to set up a time to sign up. You must come into our office and sign up for payroll. You will need to bring your social security card and your drivers license or Ohio identification card.
View Pollworker Information from the Secretary of State or take the online training guide.
Primary Elections – March (presidential years) or May
General Elections – November
Special Elections – February or August
To be eligible to serve as a Precinct Election Official, you must:
Be registered to vote in Miami County
Complete training before working for the first time, and before elections when required by the Board of Elections
Enjoy working with others as a team
Be able to read and write in English
Not have been convicted of a violation of election law or a felony
Workers will be assigned within their home polling location when possible. Some workers may be asked to work in an area outside of their polling location. Others may be assigned as floaters, and will be assigned to a location when a position becomes available.
PEOs are required to report to the polling location no later than 5:45 a.m. and remain until the location is closed and packed, usually around 8:15 p.m.
PEOs receive $150.00 per election + $15 for training.
The Voting Location Manager receives $175.00 per election, $20 for training, plus a mileage stipend for picking up the precinct supplies prior to election day and returning all voting material after the close of polls on election night.
For Further Information, Contact:
Board of Elections
Miami County Courthouse.
215 West Main Street
Troy, OH 45373
Phone Numbers: (937) 440-3900
Fax Number: (937) 440-3901