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Frequently Asked Questions

Of course, you may also call our office, but if you wait until Election Day, be prepared for a substantial wait time for your call to be answered.

Where can I register to vote?

You may download and print a registration form, then mail it to the Board Office, or you may register at the Board of Elections Office, any library, high school office, village hall, city council offices, or bureau of motor vehicles offices.

Online Voter Registration

When are Elections held?

Primary elections are held the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, except in a Presidential Year, in which case the date is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March. General Elections are the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, and Special Elections may be held the first Tuesday after the first Monday in February and August as required.

Must I declare party affiliation to vote in a Primary?

You must declare party affiliation to vote for candidates in a Primary Election. If there are issues on the ballot, you may choose to vote for Issues only, and not declare a party affiliation. Party affiliation may only be changed at a Primary election by requesting the opposite party’s ballot. Under Ohio law, no other means of changing party affiliation is available.

When is the deadline to register?

30 days before any election is the deadline to register for new registrations. Mailed registrations must be postmarked 30 days prior. Change of addresses for voters who have moved from one address to another in Richland County, or from one County in Ohio to another, may be submitted at any time. There is no deadline for change of names or addresses.

What time do the polls open?

Polls open at 6:30 A.M., and close at 7:30 P.M.

How can I find out my polling location?

A polling place notification card is sent to each voter who registers and/or submits an address change to the board. A list of polling places is listed on our web site under the Polling Locations tab, or you may enter your name and address in the Polling Place Search.

How can I vote absentee?

You may vote in the Board of Elections office beginning 28 days before an election, or request an absentee ballot be issued to you by mail. Mailed requests must include the voter’s name, address, birth date, and signature, and other identification such as the driver’s license number or last 4 digits of social security number. The party affiliation must also be submitted if the Election is a Primary. Please note that a separate request is necessary for each election. Servicemen may vote absentee by submitting a request to the Board of Elections in their home county, or a relative in the home county may request a ballot for them. Absentee request forms are available from their Commanding Officer.

Absentee Voting

How do I apply to be a Precinct Election Official (Poll Worker)?

To become a Precinct Election Official or Poll worker, you must submit an application with the Board of Elections.
You can request an Application be mailed to you, you can acquire one from our office or you can go to the Secretary of State’s Website to apply online.

Precinct Election Officials