Ohio voters may now register to vote and update their voter registration information online. If you are unable to locate your voter registration information but think you are registered to vote and you have not moved outside of your county of prior registration, you may be eligible to cast a provisional ballot during in-person absentee voting period at an appropriate early voting location or the county board of elections, or on Election Day at the correct polling place for your current address that may be counted. We encourage you to check your registration status by clicking here
You are Qualified to vote if:
You are a citizen of the United States.
You are at least 18 years old on or before the day of the general election. If you will be 18 on or before the day of the general election, you may vote in the primary election for candidates only, but not on the issues.
You will be a resident of Ohio for at least 30 days before the election.
You register to vote at least 30 days before the election. Even if you have moved to a different address in Ohio and did not update your address, as long as you were registered in Ohio, you can vote in your new precinct on Election Day or during early voting, in person at your County Board of Elections early voting location.
Where can I register?
At any county board of elections or the Secretary of State’s Office.
At branch registration offices or locations established by a board of elections.
At any public high school or vocational school.
At the office of any Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
At offices of designated agencies which provide public assistance or disability programs .
Public libraries.
County Fiscal Officer’s Office.
Register Online:

Register by mail:
You may request a registration form from the board of elections, license bureau, libraries, or the Secretary of State’s office by mail, telephone, in person or by having another person obtain it for you. After completing the form, return it to the board of elections or Secretary of State’s office by mail.
Mailed registration forms sent to a county board of elections or the Secretary of State’s office must be postmarked 30 days before an election to be valid.
Registration forms not mailed in must be received by a board of elections, the Secretary of State’s office, public high school or vocational school, public library, office of any Bureau of Motor Vehicles, County Fiscal Officer’s Office or designated agencies 30 days before an election to be valid for that election.
How do I cancel my registration?
To cancel your registration, please fill out Form 10-A prescribed by the Secretary of State, found at, and return the form with your original signature to our office.
We must receive the physical form by mail or in person. Electronic submission of the form is not allowed.
To ensure the registration of a deceased immediate family member (spouse, parent or child) is canceled, please fill out Form 255-D prescribed by the Secretary of State, found at, and return the form along with your original signature and a certified copy of the deceased elector’s death certificate to our office.
Do I declare my politics when I register?
No. Under Ohio law, your party affiliation is determined by the ballot you vote in a primary election.
What if I change my address or name?
If you are registered and move within the state or same county or change your name, you must report the change to the board of elections by completing a voter registration form at the locations stated above or by mail as stated above.
You may also complete a notice of change in voting status and file it with the court when you apply for a marriage license or when your name is changed by court order.
Mailed forms sent to a county board of elections or the Secretary of State’s office must be postmarked 30 days before an election to be valid for the election.
Forms not mailed in must be received by a board of elections, the Secretary of State’s office, public high school, or vocational school, public library, office of any Bureau of Motor Vehicles, County Fiscal Officer’s Office of designated agencies 30 days before an election to be valid for that election.
If you change your name and/or move from one precinct to another in your county, you may report the change and vote by appearing at the board of elections during the absentee voting period; or on election day you may go to the polling place in the precinct in which you reside, the board of elections or site designated by the board.
If you move from one county to another in the state, you may report the change and vote at the board of elections in the county in which you now reside during the absentee voting period, or on election day at the board of elections or site designated by the board.
TTY assistance
The Secretary of State’s office maintains a phone line to provide information on registration and voting for deaf and hard of hearing citizens. The number is (614) 466-0562 or Toll-free: (877) 644-6889.
Where can I vote?
You can cast your ballot at the polling place designated to serve the precinct in which you reside. If you are in doubt as to the location of this polling place, check with the Board of Elections in your county.